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Sleep and your baby

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Did you know that habits adopted in the first months of life determine if you’ll be a good sleeper or a candidate for insomnia later in life? That’s why parents have a major educational responsibility. However, few of them know the importance and the benefits of a good-quality sleep for a newborn and his development. The revised and expanded edition of this book talks about an infant’s sleep needs, and takes the mystery out of some beliefs regarding the pacifier, the comfort object, gastroesophageal reflux, separation anxiety and bonding. You’ll also find in this book the 15-second strategy that has been proven and adapted to encourage sleep training for your little baby. May your future nights of sleep be the best ever!
Plus d’information
ISBN 9782897925239
Reference ISBN 9782897924966
Produit Vert Non
Livre numérique Oui
Langue (Anglais) Oui
Date de parution 18 avr. 2023
Type de format ePub
Auteur Brigitte Langevin
Taille du livre papier 144
Éditeur Éditions de mortagne
Section FAM010000 FAM011000 HEA043000
Langue Anglais
Surcharge de transport applicable Non